Who We Are

There are various roles and positions within the Constituency Labour Party (CLP). Every year these are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The current officers are:

Secretary: John Whearty
Chair: Mary Doolin
Vice Chair: Ken Dunlop
Vice Chair (membership): Pauline Gibbons
Treasurer: Frazer Lake

Campaign Co-ordinator: Ian Byrne
Equalities Officer: Sarah-Jane Morton
IT Officer: Robbie Gibbons
Political Education Officer: Lena Šimić
Trade Union Liason Officer (TULO): Donna Henners
Women’s Officer: Karen Bellion
Youth Officer: Feidhelm Doolin

There are also posts for each Branch Labour Party (BLP) within the CLP.

Secretary: Jill Foxall
Chair: William Marratt
Vice-Chair: Margaret Thornley
Treasurer: Jackie Breen

Secretary: Ken Dunlop
Chair: Steve Gerrard
Treasurer: Susan Dykes

Secretary: Alfie Hincks
Chair: Pat Delahunty
Treasurer: Maureen Delahunty

Secretary: Karen Bellion
Chair: Gary Anderson
Vice-Chair: Lena Šimić
Treasurer: Maureen Royce

Secretary: John Whearty
Chair: Mary Doolin
Vice-Chair: Colly Whitty

Secretary: Pauline Gibbons
Chair: Sarah Morton
Vice-Chair: Collete Brough
Treasurer: Frazer Lake

Local Campaign Forum (LCF) delegates:

Liverpool Walton CLP can send 7 delegates to represent Walton at the Local Campaign Forum. These are typically Secretary, Campaign Co-ordinator and Treasurer plus four additional delegates nominated by the CLP.
Our LCF delegates are:

John Whearty (Secretary)
Ian Byrne (Campaign Co-ordinator)
Frazer Lake (Treasurer)

Mary Doolin
Sarah Morton
Margi Corcoran

Liverpool Young Labour – Walton LCF Delegate: Feidhelm Doolin